Right before you flee your nest straight into the new student life far from your dear family and closest friends, all sorts of Fresher’s tips were probably thrown your way, however there are a few tips that can help you survive this most sociable and energy consuming week of a student year. You’ll need to be prepared for the unexpected and the disappointments. You need to be aware that things probably won’t be as perfect as you may be imagining.
Avoid drinking games
It is nothing new to that during the Fresher’s week there is usually lots of alcohol involved, we have heard it all before. There are lots of events happening every night which is a nice way to meet people however this week is primarily supposed to have fun, socialize and not look at it with the prospect of a week of drunken debauchery and hungover flat bonding.
The risk of getting sick during the Fresher’s weeks is much higher than any other period of a school year. Large number of students arrive to one place from all over the world, new roommates carrying different germs, stress, tiredness. And how to beat a Fresher’s flu ? Get as much as sleep as you can, drink A LOT of water, AVOID take aways and try to eat healthy food, lots of fruits and vegetables. Feeling fresh and fit will definitely help you to socialize, attend many
Socialize, socialize
As mentioned previously, this week is a great occasion to meet a great deal of a fellow students, make new friends, however not for everyone is natural to go an introduce himself/ herself but important is to know that truly everyone is in the same boat. Talk to people, explore the Campus together, check out the library, coffee shops.
Look after yourself
Even though it has probably been only a few days since you left your family nest it is also a best time to start looking after yourself properly. Be tidy and try to keep the things as organized as you can. As easy as it sounds but a fresh start will definitely help you to keep it that way a whole year long.
Don’t worry about feeling or getting lost
All new and scary. But please, don’t worry. Not every beginning is a fairy tale and feeling lonely, lost and homesick is absolutely natural. Actually- getting lost is a beautiful way to discover new places and faces.
Make your room as cosy and homy as you can
The idea of living in a completely different culture can be quite intimidating. Most of the students are coming from foreign countries and it is very important to feel comfortable with the daily routine life in order to avoid the Freshman’s week homesickness. When you’re creating a home away from home, don’t forget to create a photo collage full of snapshots, polaroids that will make you remember all the beautiful moments that make you smile. Put the effort and transform the room into the oasis of calm and creativity. Nice bedlinen, candles, posters and books, all of that will help you to feel perfectly at home.
“Safe” money
As the whole week is usually packed with all sort of events also means spending LOTS of money here and there which seemes funny at the time, however by the end of the week you find yourself penniless. Try to put aside a few minutes and set yourself a budget. Embrace the student discounts, don’t feel ashamed to take the freebies and TAKE CASH TO NIGHT OUTS.