Now that lectures have moved online, students all over the world have had to quickly adapt to studying at home. We all love a home day every now and again, but like everything, it has its perks, as well as its pitfalls. With so many distractions, procrastination is always lurking, so it’s very easy to get off track. Just one episode of your favourite series, accidently scrolling through your social media feed or a quick nap, these are all activities that are big productivity killers and can prevent you from accomplishing what you need to get done. We have been scouring the internet to find the ultimate tips to set you up for a productive study session.
We know, you’ve heard it before but it’s SO important. Before you start your study session, make sure your set up is on point. Try to keep your bed for sleeping and avoid studying or working in it. Next, keep your study space clean and organised and free from anything that can be a form of distraction for you (leave your phone out of reach on purpose!). Only put on your desk the things you will need for studying that day; clear surroundings lead to a clear mind
Although you might vaguely know what you have to do for that day, sometimes it helps to break it down and write it out. Start by writing the goal of the day on top, so you know what you’re working towards. Then create a timetable and make sure to schedule short breaks regularly. It is important to set reasonable limits for how much time you will spend studying each day and break it up into multiple sessions. The Focus Keeper (IOS & ANDROID) app helps you stay focused for a set time. Here is how it works:
- Choose a single topic to focus on
- Spent 25 minutes working on that topic while avoiding multi-tasking
- Take a short break. After every four cycles, take a long break.
- Repeat
(The Focus Keepers app)
Daylight is beneficial for studying & your wellbeing. If you don’t get enough exposure to daylight during the day, it can make you feel sleepier or more stressed. Try to create a study area close to a big window with loads of natural light.
Your phone is the biggest source of distractions so if you get in the habit of putting it away, think how much more productive you’ll be! If you like to use an app that helps you with studying or play music, put your phone on Airplane mode so you won’t get notifications. If you can, put your phone away completely, in a drawer or even at the other side of your room.
We’re all different, some of us are night owls, while some are more focused in the morning. Take advantage of the time you feel most productive, and try to study when you’re most alert, so you are able to process and retain the information that you are studying. Use the time that you’re generally less productive to do tasks like organising your study space or writing your timetable for the next day, this saves you time when you are most alert.
No noise, no distraction! During study time, it is essential to keep noise to a minimum, as any unwanted noise can be a distraction. Some people study best when it’s quiet and some prefer some background music, for both noise cancelling headphones can be an option. If you prefer to listen to some music to keep your mind focused, check out the Nido Student Spotify lists, we’re biased, but we think there are some real gems in there!
Click HERE to find all the Nido Student playlists.
When you know you’ll have a full study day, stock up on some brain power foods. During studying you might feel like you don’t have time to cook, but what you eat has an impact on energy levels and focus. Try to get some tasty healthy snacks in the house instead of junk food. Keeping your body well-fuelled with nutritious foods has proven to aid concentration and memory. Foods especially good for your focus are fish, nuts, seeds, yoghurt and fruits.
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